Nosh Balls
Perfect For On The Go
✔️ Vegan ✔️ Gluten Free ✔️ All Natural ✔️ Non-GMO
✔️ Handcrafted with love ✔️ Healthy pick me up
Mix & Match!
Fuel. Power. Nourish. Nosh.
Our ingredients are loaded with
Health Benefits For You
Walnuts —> Rich in antioxidants, Source of Omega 3s, Promote Healthy Gut, Can Help Decrease Inflammation, Can Help Reduce Risk of Certain Cancers, Helps Support Weight Control, May Help Lower Risk of Diabetes.
Almonds —> Contain healthy fat, fibre, protein, magnesium, and Vitamin E. Can help lower blood sugar levels. Can help reduce blood pressure and lower
cholesterol levels. Can help reduce hunger.

Our Area
We deliver all over the G.T.A & Surrounding Areas!
For inquiries on our delivery areas contact us here